Mrs. Marian Penales – teacher of Physics is recognizable as one of the most beautiful teacher who teaches here at Congressional National High School.
We can say that Mr. Penales – husband of Mrs.Penales is the luckiest man who captured the heart of our beloved teacher.
We asked Mrs. Penales some questions that are not related to her profession – as a teacher.
Mostly, “I’m always forgot to put used clothes to its respective container” answered Mrs.Penales when we asked her about if she was a teacher m what mostly she were doing on her house as a wife .
“ It is not always I’m doing it , but often times , I’m doing since high school until now is taking FOOD TRIP !” confidently answered Mrs. Penales about the question : What is her hobbies that she mostly doing in her high school and college life ?
“All I can say is , I didn’t do any embarrassing moment life as a woman” uttered Mrs. Penales , when we asked again that as a girl , what is her most embarrassing moment or experience that you’ve encountered in her whole life .
“My husband – Mr. Jeffrey Penales didn’t cooked any of my favorite food , but so far , the most tastiest and the most delicious food that he cooked for me is corned beef and fried chicken “ , answered Mrs. Penales when we asked the question : Did Mr. Penales cooked your favorite food for you ? What is that food? How does it taste?
“The humorous thing that I did is that I portrayed the role of Sisa (Noli and El Fili ) in my high school and college . They told me that I’m the one who can do that role on that time “ , said Mrs. Penales when she answered the question that talk about if her humorous thing that she did in her life .
“I rather choose to be a dog (puppy), because they were so cute and I’m enjoying to cuddle them, “happily answered to the question if she were given a chance to reincarnate herself. And what kind of animal she want, why ? Does it make any sense in her surroundings.